Illustrating the Cute Snow Bird

This making of is about a Cute Snow Bird sitting on a snowy branch on a snowy day. I will be hsaring my tips and I hope you find it useful.
Preview of Final Results
STEP 1 - Sketch
For the sketch work, the Photoshop file size is 640x855. The resolution can be 72 for now. I always start my concept work with a sketch. So I started with the figure of the "bird".
STEP 2 - Brush
Select a simple default brush: Then, in the brush panel, adjust the "Other Dynmaics" with the numbers as shown in the picture.

STEP 3 - Colors
Here are my colour choices. The background will be a cold blue. And others for the colour of the bird.
And now we will start to add colours and some details. Now change the file size to 3000x4000 with 300dp. I have two layers: A blue colour has been added to the background area on the new layer.

Create another new layer and start adding the colours. I also created another layer for the blue background area. Then I work out the general look I'm going for. Now I'm adding colour to the bird with my brush.

I also add a few strokes with the smudge tool. Using the same brush and a smudge tool, continue to paint the rest of the body, also adding some light colours. As you can see in the picture below.

Having decided on the colours, I can now start to add detail. I continue to smooth and add highlights where appropriate. And here is a close screenshot for the tree branch with some snow accumulation. Maybe I can change the view later. The snow was painted with the same brush. Now I'm going to choose another brush for the more detailed view of the snow.

This is my setting for the snow bushes. I don't make any changes to this brush. Same default setting. Here is my painting for the snow. You have to experiment a lot to get the result you want.

I continue to work on the eyes and feathers with a smaller brush; I also put some snow on the bird's beak and added some red berries to the branch.